What are some common dog behaviors?

Expert opinion from Dr. Deeksha Rao
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 2.6 years of experience · India

Barking: Dogs use barking to communicate various needs or alerts. Tail Wagging: It can signify excitement, happiness, or sometimes nervousness. Digging: Often a hunting instinct. Chewing: Helps with teething in puppies and can be a way to relieve stress. Jumping: Dogs may jump to greet people or seek attention. Licking: Dogs may lick themselves or their owners as a sign of affection, grooming, or anxiety. Whining: Can indicate discomfort, anxiety, or a desire for attention. Aggression: Displays of aggression may occur due to fear, territoriality, or resource guarding. Playfulness: Dogs exhibit playful behaviour, including running, pouncing, and chasing. Marking: Male dogs may mark their territory by urinating on objects or in specific spots.

Expert opinion from Dr. Jisha S
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 3 years of experience · India

Dogs exhibit a wide range of behaviors, and many of them are common across different breeds and individual dogs. Barking, wagging their tails, chewing, licking, digging, jumping, and playing are some of the behaviors they engage in. When they are scared or nervous, they may also exhibit behaviors like growling, whining, or hiding, as well as a variety of body language clues to express their feelings.

Can dogs eat tomatoes?

Expert opinion from Dr. Deeksha Rao
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 2.6 years of experience · India

Yes, tomatoes are generally safe for dogs in small amounts, but the green parts and stems contain solanine, which can be toxic. Tomatoes are also acidic and can cause stomach upset.

Expert opinion from Dr. Jisha S
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 3 years of experience · India

Yes, dogs can eat tomatoes in moderation. Tomatoes are generally safe for dogs, but it's essential to feed them ripe tomatoes, as unripe ones contain higher levels of solanine, which can be harmful. Always remove the seeds and green parts before giving them to your dog. However, if your dog has any health issues or allergies, consult your veterinarian before adding tomatoes to their diet. Keep it simple and avoid excessive tomato consumption.

Is it safe for dogs to eat marshmallows?

Expert opinion from Dr. Jisha S
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 3 years of experience · India

No, it's generally not safe for dogs to eat marshmallows. Marshmallows are high in sugar and can lead to various health issues in dogs, including obesity, dental problems, and digestive upset. Additionally, some marshmallow products may contain xylitol, a sweetener that is highly toxic to dogs. It's best to avoid giving marshmallows to your dog and opt for healthier dog-friendly treats instead.

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Expert opinion from Dr. Deeksha Rao
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 2.6 years of experience · India

No, it's not safe for dogs to eat marshmallows. They contain high amounts of sugar and can be a choking hazard. Additionally, some marshmallows may contain xylitol, a sweetener that's toxic to dogs. It's best to avoid.

See more questions and expert answers related to Dog Preventive Care.

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