What are the benefits of dental prophylaxis and how does it differ from other dental procedures?

Expert opinion from Dr. NEETU SINGH
5 years of experience in dentistry and healthcare · 5 years of experience · India

Dental prophylaxis is a preventive dental procedure aimed at removing plaque, tartar and stains from the teeth. Benefits include the prevention of cavities, gum disease and bad breath. Regular prophylaxis helps maintain oral health and can identify early sign of potential issues. Dental prophylaxis differ from other procedures in that it focuses primarily on preventive care, while other dental procedures may involve treatments to address existing problems, such as fillings for cavities, root canal for infected teeth, or dental implants for missing teeth.

Expert opinion from Dr. SAMEEHA M S
Four Years of Clinical Experience, BDS - Kerala, India · 1 years of experience · India

A dentist cleans the teeth and inspects the mouth for indicators of dental problems during dental prophylaxis. Prophylaxis refers to preventive medical treatment. Dental prophylaxis can help preserve good dental health, leading to fewer problems over time. Regular dental checkups with a dentist may assist with reducing dental concerns. As compared to other dental treatments dental prophylaxis is a minimal procedure and is usually done as a preventive measure.

What is dental prophylaxis and how often should it be done?

Expert opinion from Dr. NEETU SINGH
5 years of experience in dentistry and healthcare · 5 years of experience · India

Dental prophylaxis, commonly known as a dental cleaning. It is a preventive dental procedure to remove plaque, and stains from teeth. Most people benefit from having a dental cleaning every six months. However individuals with certain conditions like gum disease might need more frequent cleaning.

Expert opinion from Dr. KODALI RAGA SRI SAI MALIKA
Dentist · 2.6 · India

Dental prophylaxis is cleaning and polishing of the teeth. Dental prophylaxis is done to remove tarter and stains on the teeth and polishing is done to smoothen the tooth surfaces and improve oral hygiene. It can be done for every 6 months or one year based on the oral hygiene status. Other regular cleaning aids should be used like tooth brushing, mouthwash and dental floss to maintain the oral hygiene.

Are there any risks or side effects associated with dental prophylaxis? If so, what are they and how can they be minimized?

Expert opinion from Dr. SAMEEHA M S
Four Years of Clinical Experience, BDS - Kerala, India · 1 years of experience · India

A dental prophylaxis is a cleaning technique used for offering teeth a thorough cleaning. Prophylaxis is a crucial dental procedure for slowing the progression of gingivitis and periodontal disease. Despite the fact that dental prophylaxis is typically regarded as safe and advantageous for preserving oral health, there are certain side effects (gum bleeding, tooth sensitivity, and soreness), even if they are very uncommon. It is important to select a trained and experienced dental specialist for dental prophylaxis in order to reduce risks and adverse effects. Discuss your medical history, dental condition, and any other issues you may be having in an open manner before starting the procedure to avoid other issues.

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Expert opinion from Dr. NEETU SINGH
5 years of experience in dentistry and healthcare · 5 years of experience · India

Dental prophylaxis commonly known as dental cleaning, is generally a safe procedure, but there are some potential risks and side effects to be aware of are tooth sensitivity, gum irritation, bleeding gums, and discomfort. To minimize these risks and side effects: Communication: inform your dentist about any dental sensitivity, allergies or pre existing conditions before cleaning. Regular cleaning and gentle techniques are important to minimize the risks.

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