What is the dental implant process and how long does it take?

Expert opinion from Dr. KODALI RAGA SRI SAI MALIKA
Dentist · 2.6 · India

The first step in the dental implant process is, dental examination and placing the dental implant in the bone under the gums, which might take around 1-2 hours. After placing the dental implant, healing period of 3 months can be waited for implant to be integrated in the bone prior to loading the crown or restoration on the implant. Mostly, after 3 months of healing period, final crown restoration is placed.

Expert opinion from Dr. Shalini Verma
Bachelor of Dental Surgery · Less than a year of experience · India

Dental implants are a new procedure of restoring missing teeth in the jaws. They act as a substitute for root portion. Implants are made of metal-alloys which are placed in the bone to act as a root. It is left for 6 months for the implant to bind with the bone. After proper binding, artificial crown is placed on it.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Expert opinion from Dr. SAMEEHA M S
Four Years of Clinical Experience, BDS - Kerala, India · 1 years of experience · India

A dental implant is an advanced prosthetic tooth that closely resembles the natural tooth structure. Dental implants are a popular and successful method of tooth replacement. Dental implants have the advantages of preventing further bone loss, lowering the risk of tooth decay, improving nutrition, preventing facial sagging and premature aging, and improving gum health.

Expert opinion from Dr. Shalini Verma
Bachelor of Dental Surgery · Less than a year of experience · India

Dental implants are a fixed prosthesis which replaces missing teeth in mouth. They restore the function of mastication and speech. They act as natural teeth and gives a good aesthetic appearance. Dental implants prevents loss of bone and can last for a lifetime, if maintained properly. Dental implants can prevent facial sagging and premature aging. They also prevent gum problems.

Are dental implants a good option for patients with gum disease?

Expert opinion from Dr. KODALI RAGA SRI SAI MALIKA
Dentist · 2.6 · India

Before going to dental implants, initially, gums disease should be treated appropriately. Patients with gum disease, depending on the gum recession and amount of bone loss, the option of dental implants can be taken. If there is mild gum disease, dental implants are preferable, but proper maintenance is required. If there is severe bone loss also, zygomatic implants can be preferred than regular implants, in such cases.

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Expert opinion from Dr. SAMEEHA M S
Four Years of Clinical Experience, BDS - Kerala, India · 1 years of experience · India

Yes, dental implants can be an acceptable option for people with gum disease; still, the degree and depth of the gum disease must be considered. Individuals with gum disease at any stage almost always qualify for dental implants after completing certain treatments and procedures. Patients with mild to severe gum disease may only need to keep the condition under control to have implants. However, before beginning the operation for implant placement, patients must have their gum condition corrected.

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