Expert opinion from Dr. SAMEEHA M S

Four Years of Clinical Experience, BDS - Kerala, India · 1 years of experience · India

Dental implants are recognized as a safe and effective method of replacing missing teeth. However, certain risks and difficulties are associated with dental implants, as with any medical operation. Infection, implant failure, nerve or tissue damage, bone loss around the implant site, allergic reactions to dental implant materials, gum recession, peri-implantitis, and implant fracture or breakage are the common risks associated with dental implants.

Expert opinion from Dr. KODALI RAGA SRI SAI MALIKA

Dentist · 2.6 · India

Some risks associated with dental implants are infection at the site of placement, nerve injury during placement of dental implant which causes long-term pain and numbness of the cheek, lips etc. And other risks associated with dental implants are perforation of the bone, sinus perforation while placing, implant rejection or peri-implantitis due to lack of osseointegration between bone and implant.

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Expert opinion from Dr. NEETU SINGH

5 years of experience in dentistry and healthcare · 5 years of experience · India

Dental implants are generally considered a safe effective option for replacing missing teeth. However there are potential risks and complications are: Infection:This can occur during the surgery or develop afterward. Implant failure:Implants might fail to integrate with the jawbone properly. Some other risks are nerve or tissue damage, sinus issues, bone loss, pain or discomfort and gum recession.

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