Just the News


Young teen in critical condition and four people hospitalised in Mayo crash

Shortly before 4AM on the N5 at Deerpark near Swinford, five male teenagers were involved in a single car accident, with one of them reported to be in critical condition

Presenting: The 8 Funniest Excuses Women Have Used to Ditch Their Bad Dates

"I told him I had a lot of ear wax..."

How Can I Protect Myself And My Family From The Negative Impacts Of Air Pollution On Mental Health And Well Being? A Review By Doctors

Health/in-expert-answers-on-Impact Of Air Quality On Mental Health?ocid=feed-health-article target=_blank>Ask a professionalThis article examines the impact of air quality on mental health from the perspective of Dr. Anet Varghese, a Doctor of Medicine with 1 year of experience in India. It explores the potential health risks associated with household air pollution exposure, such as stroke, ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary...

Joe Wicks guesses baby's gender as he says pregnant wife 'only has 2 weeks to go'

Joe Wicks has shared an update on his wife Rosie's pregnancy, revealing that there is only two weeks to go until her due date, and giving his verdict on whether it will be a boy or a girl

Incredible hope for lung cancer patients with new drugs

A new set of targeted and immune-boosting drugs can add months or even years to life expectancy according to results released this weekend at a top conference.

Urgent recall issued for Aussie beer containing 'excess alcohol'

A Queensland craft brewery has recalled a beer product because it could contain excess alcohol.

Raspberry Nutrition: Proven Advice from Nutritionists

This article provides an overview of the health benefits of consuming raspberries, as well as potential side effects. Expert opinions from nutritionists around the world are presented, including information on the Mediterranean diet, keto diet, diabetic diet, and weight loss. The article also provides a quantity recommendation and tips on how to incorporate raspberries into a healthy diet. This article is for informational purposes only and...

The Definitive Guide to Deodorant You Need

The best types of DO for that BO.

Sweetened beverage tax cuts kids' BMI in Seattle, study finds

By Priyanjana Pramanik, MSc. In a recent study published in JAMA Network Open , researchers investigated whether implementing a tax on sweetened beverages was associated with changes in the body mass index (BMI) of children in Seattle. Their findings indicate that the tax was significantly...

Ask A Doctor: What Dietary Changes Can I Make To Reduce My Heart Disease Risk?

Expert opinion from Marcella Abunahman Pereira Specialization in Clinical Cardiology · 12 years of experience · Brazil The best diet for preventing heart disease is one that includes lean meat, fish, and poultry; low-fat dairy products; and that has plenty of fruits and vegetables. You also should stay hydrated; avoid drinking alcohol and sugary dr...

Women who suffer hot flushes more likely to get liver disease

Experts have discovered that those who experience the uncomfortable side effects of menopause are at triple the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease compared to those with mild symptoms.

Parents of girl help fulfil final act of kindness after death

The parents of a five-year-old girl now know their beloved daughter's heart is beating somewhere after fulfilling her final act of kindness in donating her organs.

Is Ashwagandha And Tyrosine A Good And Safe Combination For Anxiety And Depression? A Review By Nutrition Professionals

Expert opinion from Mantwa Radebe Master of Science (MSc) In Nutrition · 12 years of experience · South Africa Ashwagandha is an evergreen shrub plant that mostly grows in Asia and Africa and is commonly used for stress and other conditions. A study conducted in 2012 found that Ashwagandha root extract has safely and effectively improved an individ...

Nutrition Professionals Weigh In On Caraway's Drawbacks

This article examines the potential side effects of consuming caraway. Experts weigh in on the potential risks associated with caraway, including its effects on blood clotting, blood sugar levels, and interactions with medications. Additionally, tips from health experts on how to safely consume caraway are provided. This article is intended to provide information to help readers make informed decisions about their health.

Ask A Doctor: What Health Problems Are Caused By Dehydration?

Expert opinion from Dr. Mallika Marshall M.D., Harvard Health Publishing · 20 years of experience · USA Dehydration occurs when you body loses more fluid than it takes, which can interfere with normal bodily functions. Causes include recurrent vomiting, diarrhea, profound sweating, poor fluid intake, fever, excessive urination, and certain medicati...

Is this the death of grapefruit juice?

It's a bitter pill to swallow for grapefruit fans, but the once popular staple of the breakfast table is disappearing from our supermarket shelves.

Dermatomyositis : What Is It & Treatments

Overview An inflammatory disease characterized by muscle weakness and skin rash. Symptoms Symptoms include a distinctive rash on the face, eyelids and in areas around the nails, knuckles, elbows, knees, chest and back. Muscle weakness is also evident. → Common treatment options → Questions to ask your doctor What are people curious about?Glucagon-l...

Famous people who reached the age of 100 (and beyond)

Time is almost never on our side, and seems to continuously run out before our eyes. That’s why we as a species chase longevity. We seek it out through technology or medical advancements or spirituality—or simply by lying! Still, prolonged life remains elusive. Except for the lucky few who keep kicking right into (and beyond) the centenarian club. Norman Lear was one of the most famous centenarians, as he continued to work, win awards, and make red carpet appearances after his hundredth birthday! Sadly, Lear passed away at the age of 101 on December 5, 2023. He is remembered for his incredibly lengthy and distinguished career as a screenwriter and producer in the television and film industry. He is most recognized for his successful TV shows, including 'Maude,' 'The Facts of Life,' 'All in the Family,' and 'Sanford and Son.' His work revolutionized American TV in the 1970s and he continued to work up until shortly before his death. In 2020, he made history as the oldest person ever to win an Emmy at the age of 98. There are numerous famous people who have lived to 100 years and beyond, and that number will probably increase as the years go on and we perfect the art of living even longer. But first, let’s see which stars in recent history have achieved the century-old feat. Click through to find out.

What Is The Average Age For Women To Start Menopause? A Review By Doctors

Expert opinion from Howard E. Lewine M.D. Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing · 40 years of experience · USA A woman is said to be in menopause after she has gone for one full year without periods. While most women in the United States go through menopause around the age of 51, a small number will experience menopause as early as age 40...

How King Charles and Princess Kate battle cancer together

🧬 Birds and humans: a surprising comparison of vocal organs

The origin of the avian vocal organ, the syrinx, remained a mystery until recently. Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin set out to uncover this secret by closely examining the syrinxes...

Continuing education in your forties

Welcome to a world of endless possibilities in your forties! Lifelong learning isn't confined to classrooms; it's a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. In this gallery, discover how continuing education can empower your journey in your vibrant forties. Swipe through to see if there's a topic that sparks your interest!

How serious is skin picking disorder?

We all pick our skin from time to time; whether it's that annoying zit or a flaky bit of dry skin, most of us are guilty of doing it. But things are a bit different when this type of behavior becomes compulsive and we are unable to stop it. This is indeed the case for people with skin-picking disorder, also known as dermatillomania, or excoriation disorder. But what causes the urge to pick our skins to the point of injury, and is there any treatment for it? In this gallery, we answer these and many more questions. Click on.

Professional Faqs: What Are Some Good Foods And Snacks For A Diabetic?

Expert opinion from Deidre Huysamen Dietician - Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services · 7 years of experience · South Africa Diabetics should aim for high fiber, low glycemic index snacks that help to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Combining this item with a healthy fat or lean protein help to further lower the glycemic index of the carbo...

How Long Am I Contagious If I Have Gastroenteritis? A Review By Doctors

Expert opinion from Hariteja A MBBS · 4 years of experience · India You can be contagious from a few days up to two weeks or more, depending on which virus is causing your stomach flu (gastroenteritis). The incubation period is usually 24–48 hours. It is spread through close contact with infected persons (for example, by sharing food, water, or eat...

What Harvard Health Publishing And 3 Other Doctors Think: How Does Tuberculosis Kill You?

Answered by Dr. Howard E. Lewine M.D. Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing · 40 years of experience · USA Tuberculosis (TB) typically affects the lungs. But in up to one-third of infected people, particularly those with HIV/AIDS, the illness also involves other areas of the body. Common sites of infection include the lymph nodes, the mem...

Basil: Nutrition Professional Opinions, Health Risks, And More

Questions About Melanoma? Harvard Health Publishing Has Answers.

What are the early stages of melanoma? Answered by Dr. Howard E. Lewine M.D. Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing · 40 years of experience · USA An early melanoma diagnosis would mean that the cancer is superficial, with a thickness of less than. 75 millimeters, and has not spread to lymph nodes or anywhere else in the body. The prognosi...

Can You Eat Dark Chocolate Of You Have Bladder Problems? A Review By Nutrition Professionals

How Bay Leaf Boosts Your Health: Insights from Nutrition Professionals on Its Nutrients and Cooking Applications

This article examines the potential health benefits of bay leaf, a commonly used herb in cooking. It explores the effects of bay leaf's fibers and polyphenols on digestive health, its high content of ion, calcium, magnesium and vitamin K, and a phytonutrient called parthenolide which may help fight inflammation. Additionally, it discusses the potential benefits of bay leaf in promoting general health, calming indigestion, and fighting fungal...

Is ultra-processed food behind 'disturbing' rise in young cancer?

More young people than ever are getting cancer, with diagnosis rates rising by a quarter in two decades.

Care Plan Your Doctor Would Usually Recommend For Cyclothymia

Overview A mild mood disorder characterized by mood swings with periods of depression and hypomania. Symptoms Inability to concentrate, reduced need for sleep and aggressive behavior are the commonly observed symptoms. → Common treatment options → Questions to ask your doctor What are people curious about?EczemaHenry medsPsoriasis medicationsPsoria...

Doctors Answer Common Questions About Dental Abscess.

2>Conclusion Dental abscesses can be treated with professional dental care and self-care measures. To prevent abscesses from forming in the future, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene and address any dental issues promptly. This article provides an overview of dental abscesses, how to repair them, and how to prevent them from forming in the future. Expert opinion from two medical professionals is provided, detailing the necessary steps...

Aussie fumes over insane cost for a can of coke

Francesca was stunned by the cost after visiting the takeaway kiosk at Promenade Bondi Beach, in Sydney's eastern suburbs, with a friend on May 26.

Like Eating Peppermint? Get Serving Size Guidelines, Negative Effects, And More

Carrot: How Much Should You Take? Find Out What The Nutrition Professionals Say, Get Serving Sizes, And Reasons To Eat

Professional Faqs: How Does Vinegar Diabetics To Reduce Their Sugar Levels?

Cucumbers recalled in 14 states over Salmonella contamination

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that Florida-based Fresh Start Produce Sales Inc. had issued a recall for cucumbers shipped to 14 states from May 17 through May 21.

Professional Faqs: What Are The Health Benefits Of Lentils?

Expert opinion from Michael Colangelo Master of Science (M.S.) in Nutrition · 15 years of experience · USA Lentils are widely recommended as a quality food choice to include in a health-promoting diet. Lentils are budget-friendly, satiating, and versatile. They are a low glycemic nutrient-dense food, rich in dietary fiber and plant protein. Lentils...

8 Things You Should Never Do Right After Botox

From sipping a cocktail and sleeping on your face to signing up for a yoga class, here's what experts say you shouldn't do right after Botox.

What Are The Complications Of Contracting Bell’s Palsy? A Review By Doctors

Expert opinion from Saria Mahveen Shareef MBBS, PGDCC, Spl Cardiology · 6 years of experience · India Bell's palsy is a common condition affecting all ages and both sexes. It causes paralysis of the muscles in the face. Symptoms usually develop sub acutely over a few hours, with pain around the ear preceding unilateral facial weakness. Hyperacusis ...

50 Books All Teens Should Read Before They Graduate

These awesome books definitely won't feel like homework

Is Macaroni And Cheese Bad For Your Heart Or Arteries? A Review By Nutrition Professionals

Expert opinion from Mantwa Radebe Master of Science (MSc) In Nutrition · 12 years of experience · South Africa A combination of macaroni and cheese can increase the blood cholesterol level which can lead to heart conditions. This is because of macaroni are made of refined carbohydrates and cheeses contains fat. Expert opinion from María F. Carzon B...

Ask A Nutrition Professional: Can I Drink Apple Juice To Keep My Blood Sugar Up During An Acute Pancreatitis Attack?

Expert opinion from Toni Tran Bachelor of Science - BS - Dietetics/Dietitian · 1 years of experience · Canada Yes, you can drink apple juice during an acute pancreatitis attack. During an acute attack, your doctor may ask you to limit your food intake and recommend a clear liquid diet. A low fat diet is usually recommended for chronic pancreatitis ...

‘More children will end up in care if we don’t take decisions’ - Calls for action as children’s social services report gathers dust

Professor Ray Jones published a major review into Northern Ireland’s children’s social services one year ago

'NHS was entrusted into Tory hands - now 7million are on waiting list and dental services have collapsed'

At the time, satisfaction with the health service was at a record high and waiting times were at a record low – this precious legacy has been trashed by the Conservatives

Takayasus Arteritis Warning Signs: What To Look Out For

Overview Inflammation of the blood vessels that damages the aorta, the large artery of the heart, and its main branches. This can cause pain in the arm, chest. Symptoms If you're experiencing new, severe, or persistent symptoms, contact a health care provider. Symptoms may include: Fatigue Sudden weight loss Body aches and pains Mild fever These ma...

How Do You Get Rid Of Pleural Effusion? A Review By Doctors

Expert opinion from Ilya Aleksandrovskiy M.D., MBA · 5 years of experience · USA One can get rid of pleural effusion by proper treatment. Treatment depends upon the condition caused the pleural effusion. *Antibiotics for pneumonia *Diuretics for congestive heart failure. Large, infected and inflamed pleural often need to drain and prevent more prob...

Nutrition Pros Weigh In: Cane Sugar vs Granulated Sugar - Which is Healthier?

This article explores the differences between cane sugar and granulated sugar. Experts in the field of nutritional science and biochemical and molecular nutrition provide insight into the differences between the two types of sugar, such as their sources, flavor, and processing. Additionally, the article provides advice on which type of sugar is healthier and the importance of seeking professional help when considering health concerns.

Ask A Nutrition Professional: Does Turmeric Help With Dieting?

Expert opinion from Cassia D Muller Bechelor in Nutrition · 2 years of experience · Brazil Yes, turmeric has great antioxidant potential and can be used as a natural remedy to improve gastrointestinal problems, fever, treat colds, and even reduce high cholesterol. In addition, it also improves digestion, helping to rebalance the digestive system, f...