What are the most common reasons for needing an emergency tooth extraction?

Expert opinion from Dr. KODALI RAGA SRI SAI MALIKA
Dentist · 2.6 · India

Most common cause for emergency tooth extraction are infection beneath the tooth. Infection of the tooth can be caused by untreated cavities in the mouth or by gum diseases. Sometimes, infection of the tooth may lead to pain, swelling and space infections, where lower jaw space infections might cause obstruction in breathing by fall back of tongue, where extraction of the tooth should be done. And also if the tooth is affected by cyst or granuloma, extraction of the tooth might be done. And in some trauma or fracture cases due to accidents or falls, emergency tooth extraction should be done.

Expert opinion from Dr. Shalini Verma
Bachelor of Dental Surgery · Less than a year of experience · India

A tooth is extracted in the cases of severe caries, root caries, fractured tooth, toothache, wisdom tooth infection, dental sinuses, and abscess formation, impacted tooth, severe mobile tooth, crowding, or wrongly aligned tooth, and tooth in the area of a cancerous lesion in the mouth.

How can I manage pain and discomfort after an emergency tooth extraction?

Expert opinion from Dr. Shalini Verma
Bachelor of Dental Surgery · Less than a year of experience · India

After emergency tooth extraction, the clinician advises the patient to take proper prescribed antibiotic and analgesic after having the meal. Ask the patient to remove the cotton placed by the clinician at the extraction site after an hour, for the formation of clot. Patient is also asked to eat cold curd or an ice cream just after the extraction. Cold compress on the cheeks. Warm saline rinses are advised after 24 hours of the extraction to promote healing of the extraction socket.

Expert opinion from Dr. SAMEEHA M S
Four Years of Clinical Experience, BDS - Kerala, India · 1 years of experience · India

After the extraction of a tooth, pain is frequently experienced and it is common. As advised by the doctor, one can use an over-the-counter painkiller after having a tooth extracted to lessen the pain and swelling. You can also clean your wound with a saltwater solution to reduce pain and limit infection.

What is the recovery process like after a tooth extraction, and are there any potential complications to be aware of?

Expert opinion from Dr. KODALI RAGA SRI SAI MALIKA
Dentist · 2.6 · India

Healing time after the tooth extraction at the extraction socket could be about 1 - 2 weeks. After extraction some precautionary measures should be taken such as, forceful spitting from the mouth should not be done for up to 48 hours after extraction, avoid using of straw while drinking anything, smoking should be avoided, as all these may cause destruction in formation of blood clot and may cause dry socket. And avoid use of hot drinks for 24 - 48 hours after extraction, as it may cause little bleeding from the extraction socket.

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Expert opinion from Dr. Shalini Verma
Bachelor of Dental Surgery · Less than a year of experience · India

After a tooth extraction, patient is advised to follow certain instructions such as; to remove the cotton from the mouth gently and eat something cool such as curd or an ice cream, post extraction. Patient is advised to take the medications on time and rinse their mouth after 24 hours with warm saline. Avoid spitting or gargling for 24 hours, take soft diet. If the patient follows all these instructions properly, socket will heal in 7-14 days time. Complications that can occur could be; dry socket, inflammation, bleeding, severe pain, ulcerations around the healing socket and few more.

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