What is the process for getting a dental implant?

Expert opinion from Dr. NEETU SINGH
5 years of experience in dentistry and healthcare · 5 years of experience · India

Getting a dental implant involves several steps and typically requires multiple visits to the dentist. Here is an overview of the process: Initial consultation Preparation of the implant site Implant placement Healing process Abutment placement Impression Final restoration Follow up visits

Expert opinion from Dr. SAMEEHA M S
Four Years of Clinical Experience, BDS - Kerala, India · 1 years of experience · India

Dental implants are prosthetic tooth roots inserted into the jawbone through surgery. Multiple steps are involved in the placement of a dental implant, including damaged tooth removal, jawbone preparation (grafting) when necessary, dental implant placement, bone growth and healing, abutment placement, and artificial tooth placement.

What is the recovery process like for same day dental implants?

Expert opinion from Dr. NEETU SINGH
5 years of experience in dentistry and healthcare · 5 years of experience · India

Same day dental implants also known as immediate load implants or same day teeth, involve placing dental implants and attaching a temporary tooth restoration all in one appointment. During initial recovery process you may experience some discomfort, swelling or mild pain. Stick to soft foods and chewing on the side of the implant. To fully recovery it may take months. The implant need time to integrate with the jaw bone.

Expert opinion from Dr. SAMEEHA M S
Four Years of Clinical Experience, BDS - Kerala, India · 1 years of experience · India

Same-day dental implants are a form of dental implant surgery in which a dental implant is inserted and a temporary crown or bridge is attached on the same day. They are also known as immediate load implants or teeth-in-a-day. The healing time for same-day dental implants varies from patient to patient. Patients may experience symptoms such as gum and face swelling following the completion of the implant. Most patients totally recover after two weeks after having a same-day dental implant.

What are the benefits of dental implants over other tooth replacement options?

Expert opinion from Dr. NEETU SINGH
5 years of experience in dentistry and healthcare · 5 years of experience · India

Dental implants offer several benefits over other tooth replacement options: Bone preservation:Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss due to the missing teeth. Stability and functionality:they are surgically anchored into the jawbone providing a stable function. Some others are longevity, aesthetics, comfort, improved confidence and ease of maintenance.

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Expert opinion from Dr. SAMEEHA M S
Four Years of Clinical Experience, BDS - Kerala, India · 1 years of experience · India

Dental implants provide significant advantages over other tooth replacement methods, making them a popular and efficient choice for those who have lost teeth. Natural appearance, improved functionality, jaw bone preservation, improved speech and chewing, comfort and stability, adjacent tooth preservation, and increased durability are some of the benefits of dental implants.

See more questions and expert answers related to Dental Implants.

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