Expert opinion from Dr. SAMEEHA M S

Four Years of Clinical Experience, BDS - Kerala, India · 1 years of experience · India

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental treatment since it can improve your appearance by lightening your teeth in several shades. However, teeth whitening, like other dental therapies, has risks. These side effects are usually mild and can include dental sensitivity and gum discomfort. Side effects of teeth whitening include gum irritation, tooth sensitivity, allergic responses, rough teeth, and gum burns or blisters.

Expert opinion from Dr. KODALI RAGA SRI SAI MALIKA

Dentist · 2.6 · India

Side effects of teeth whitening could be teeth sensitivity, gum irritation, sore mouth. Other side effects include dental teeth erosion, breakage of tooth at the junction of crown and root of the tooth and also sometimes, stomach upset could also be a side effect.

Expert opinion from Dr. NEETU SINGH

5 years of experience in dentistry and healthcare · 5 years of experience · India

Teeth whitening treatments can have both benefits and potential side effects. Some risk associated with teeth whitening are: Tooth sensitivity Gum irritation Uneven whitening Rebound discoloration Overuse risks can damage tooth enamel.

See more questions and expert answers related to Teeth Whitening.

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