Expert opinion from Cassia D Muller

Bechelor in Nutrition · 2 years of experience · Brazil

The human body is composed of 60% to 70% water, and numerous bodily functions, vital for survival, depend on water, such as: blood transport, nutrient absorption, filtering substances, perspiration, and temperature control. Drinking little water throughout life already increases the risk of numerous diseases, and leads to problems with headache, dry skin, dark circles under the eyes, difficulty losing weight, constant tiredness, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Total water shortage is even more dangerous and can lead to fever and chills, slow heart rate, fever, diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, fatigue and, if prolonged too long, lead to death.

Expert opinion from Roseane M Silva

Master in Health Sciences, Bachelor in Nutrition · 7 years of experience · Brazil

Lack of water can cause weakness, dizziness, headache, fatigue and, if prolonged, lead to death. Headache and dizziness, the most common explanation is that when there is little liquid, there is a contraction of the brain vessels, which generates a painful sensation. Constipation, as increasing water intake can be a great remedy for those suffering from constipation. This is because the peristaltic movements, carried out involuntarily by the digestive tract, depend on hydration.

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Expert opinion from María F. Carzon

Bachelor degree in Human Nutrition · 4 years of experience · Argentina

Not drinking water will make you dehydrate. Some dehydration symptoms are fatigue, dizziness, confusion, and headache. You should drink eight glasses of water a day.

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