Expert opinion from Stephanie Small

Master of Science in Exercise Physiology & Sports Nutrition · 6 years of experience · USA

Apple cider vinegar may aid in digestive health, the dose and frequency of apple cider vinegar has not been established. For healthy gut promoting benefits from your diet, it is encouraging to consume those types of foods multiple times throughout the week (ie. Yogurt, kimchi, kefir).

Expert opinion from Momoko Takada

Bachelor's degree Nutrition · 3 years of experience · Japan

Too much vinegar, not only apple cider vinegar, can be hard on the stomach. Start with about 1 tablespoon per day and increase as you go along. The appropriate amount is up to 2 tablespoons per day.

Expert opinion from Madison Deakin

Bachelor's degree, Nutrition and Food science · 3 years of experience · Australia

Apple cider vinegar is safe to consume daily for most people. There are some possible risks regarding apple cider vinegar consumption during pregnancy so be sure to consult with your trust healthcare provider.

See more questions and expert answers related to Apple Cider Vinegar.

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Disclaimer: This is for information purpose only, and should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise. These are opinions from an external panel of individual doctors or nutritionists and not to be considered as opinion of Microsoft. Please seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns. Medical advice varies across region. Advice from professionals outside your region should be used at your own discretion. Or you should contact a local health professional.

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