Expert opinion from Jennifer Katz

Bachelor's Degree - Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services · 31 years of experience · USA

Onions are packed with health benefits. They are a good source of vitamin C which supports a healthy immune system. They also contain B vitamins and potassium which are necessary for many vital functions in your body. Onions are a source of antioxidants that decrease inflammation and lower risk of disease. They protect against many types of cancer. If you do not want to use onion in a recipe you could substitute shallots, leeks, celery, or fennel.

Expert opinion from Roseane M Silva

Master in Health Sciences, Bachelor in Nutrition · 7 years of experience · Brazil

Onion is known as one of the main functional foods - foods that prevent disease. She is a prebiotic rich in fibers, has vitamins and minerals like vitamins from complex B, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium, magnesium and selenium.

Expert opinion from Caroline Luiza C. Castro

Master's in Nutrition Sciences · 16 years of experience · Brazil

Onions are very good for our health, once it’s present some functional compounds, such as quercetins, which are beneficial to reduce inflammatory symptoms, for example. If you need a substitute of onions, leeks will provide you quite similar results.

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