Expert opinion from Kiran Dhaliwal

Master's Degree Nutrition and Dietetics · 3 years of experience · Australia

Shrimp actually contains minimal amounts of trans fats and saturated fats. They are a great source of protein and a lower in calories, which can assist in weight loss. Shrimp contains a range of vitamins and minerals such as iodine which is vital for thyroid health, but also selenium which is important for thyroid, immune and heart health. Shrimp also contains antioxidants which mop up the free radicals from our body minimising damage, Vitamin B12, Omega 3 (great for anti-inflammatory and heart health) and Zinc.

Expert opinion from Sawanee Wickramasekara

Bachelor of Science - BS - Human Nutritional Science · 3 years of experience · Canada

Shrimp is a good source of protein and is relatively low in calories. Shrimp also contains many vitamins and minerals. It is also low in saturated fats. Shrimp has many nutritive benefits.

Expert opinion from Christos Sittas

MSc in Nutrition and Exercise Sciences · 3 years of experience · UK

Shrimps are a rich source of dietary protein while providing minimal fat per portion. They are also a rich source of many micronutrients, including vitamin B12, selenium, phosphorus, and copper.

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