Expert opinion from Ramona Lehadus

Master of Research - MRes - MRes Nutrition & Metabolic Disorders · 3 years of experience · UK

Lima beans, like any other beans and pulses, including peanuts (yes, you heard it right, peanuts are a bean that grows in the ground and not an actual nut) can give you gastro intestinal symptoms ranging from bloating, gas, cramps to more severe reactions. This is caused by the phytic acid present in these plant species; a toxic substance that it's supposed to protect the seed and embryo of the plant from being eaten, in order to perpetuate the species. So remember, if it doesn't have claws, teeth or legs, then it probably has some hidden toxins to protect itself from being eaten, which is valid for most plants.

Expert opinion from Gabriella Leite

Nutritionist · 6 years of experience · Brazil

Legumes in general cause gas. This happens due to the presence of fibers and resistant starch such as raffinose that are not digested by the body, fermentation by bacteria. A practical way to reduce these gases is to soak the beans in a container with water for about 10-12 hours. Then wash the beans well and you can start the cooking process. It is also important to put a few pieces of cut lemon in this resting water to help with the absorption of iron.

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Expert opinion from Carolina Castro

PhD Candidate (Health Services), Post Graduate Functional Clinical Nutrition, Bachelor's Degree Nutrition and Dietetics · 7 years of experience · Australia

Some people may have gas after taking Lima beans. When using dried lima beans, be sure to soak them in room temperature water for at least four hours, also I would recommend adding vinegar or lemon juice in the water.

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