Expert opinion from Feni Sulistiani

Bachelor's degree Nutrition · 3 years of experience · Indonesia

Pregnant women who want to eat sushi must be careful about selecting foods and preparation methods. Raw sushi, such as sashimi, is fearful of mercurial contamination. Meanwhile, we must avoid them because they may be contaminated with bacteria and other harmful microorganisms to pregnant women. Pregnant women should be able to select the cooked component of sushi and choose the other component, such as an egg or cooked fish.

Expert opinion from Momoko Takada

Bachelor's degree Nutrition · 3 years of experience · Japan

Sushi uses raw fish, so depending on the hygiene environment, it may cause food poisoning. During pregnancy, the immune system is weakened, so it is more likely to get food poisoning than before pregnancy. Food poisoning during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth and miscarriage.

Expert opinion from Cassia D Muller

Bechelor in Nutrition · 2 years of experience · Brazil

For its a type of preparation that takes many dangerous ingredients, like raw fish for example. This increases the chances of getting food poisoning, which can be much more dangerous for pregnant women than non-pregnant people, causing nausea and vomiting.

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