Expert opinion from Michael Colangelo

Master of Science (M.S.) in Nutrition · 15 years of experience · USA

By virtue of being a green edible vegetable, although technically a fruit, cucumbers are almost automatically a healthy food. Low in calories, fat, and sodium, the many varieties of cucumber are rich in several health promoting nutrients including; vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals(plant chemicals) that are active in the body providing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The high potassium in cucumber can be part of a diet to lower blood pressure, while cucumbers are also rich in vitamin K, which plays an essential role in bone health. Staying hydrated is a cornerstone to good health, and cucumbers' high water content contribute to hydration. Also used externally for skincare, cucumbers are assumed to provide cooling and soothing for irritated skin.

Expert opinion from Madison Shaw

Bachelor of Science in Dietetics and Nutrition · 4 years of experience · USA

Cucumbers, although referred to as a vegetable is actually a fruit. Cucumbers have a high water content and can help contribute to overall hydration and digestion. They also contain high amounts of vitamins and antioxidants and are pretty low calorie.

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Expert opinion from Jennifer Katz

Bachelor's Degree - Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services · 31 years of experience · USA

Cucumbers are high in vitamins, minerals, and water. Wash and eat the peel to get the most nutrients and fiber. Cucumbers contain antioxidants that decrease risk of disease. Because of the high water content, cucumbers are very hydrating.

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