Expert opinion from Marcelle Freire

Doctor of Medicine · 3 years of experience · Brazil

Sciatica, or lumbar radicular syndrome, is a painful syndrome that results from dysfunction of the affected nerve (in this case, the sciatic nerve), usually by compression of its root. Usually, pain control is given by medications that act by inhibiting nerve impulses, such as anticonvulsants. However, some positions that relieve pressure on the affected root can also help. In this context, lying on the opposite side of the pain, in a generalized (or fetal) flexion position, can end up helping some people.

Expert opinion from Ipsa Arora

MD (Internal Medicine) · 5 years of experience · USA

Lie flat on your back, with your heels and buttocks in touch with the bed, and your knees slightly bent towards the ceiling. To provide support, place a cushion between your bed and your knees. Gradually add more cushions until you achieve a comfortable knee posture. It is fairly unusual to experience no alleviation after a few days. Continue to try different sleeping positions until you discover one that helps you to sleep through the night.

Learn more about sciatica: See the causes, symptoms, treatment options and more.

See more questions and expert answers related to sciatica.

Expert opinion from Sujith Chunduri

MBBS · 2 years of experience · India

Finding the best position to relieve sciatica may be a matter of trial and error. It’s a good idea to stick to positions that maintain the natural alignment of your spine. Lie flat on your back keep your heels and buttocks in contact with mattress. Bend your knees slightly upwards, place a pillow between your knees and mattress for support. Slowly add extra pillows until you find a comfortable knee position.

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