Expert opinion from Marcelle Freire

Doctor of Medicine · 3 years of experience · Brazil

Rabies is a disease caused by a virus that is characterized by severe, acute and progressive brain involvement, with very high lethality. It is transmitted from contact with secretions of contaminated animals (such as dogs, cats or bats) usually through bites, scratches or licks. The overwhelming majority of patients progress to death, which can be as fast as a week. Although there are few reports of survivors, they do not escape without significant neurological sequelae such as severe motor and cognitive deficits.

Expert opinion from Rajesh Mishra

MBBS · Less than a year of experience · India

Common complications of rabies include, psychosis. Seizures, aphasia, muscular twitching, delirium and death. Treatment after exposure (receiving the vaccines), known as post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), is highly successful in preventing the disease if administered promptly. In general within ten days of infection.

Learn more about rabies: See the causes, symptoms, treatment options and more.

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Expert opinion from Sadhvi Mythili

MBBS,DNB psychiatry · 6 years of experience · India

The most important complication is death. The survival rate of rabies is very very low. That is why post-exposure prophylaxis is crucial. Other complications we can see before death include psychosis, altered sensorium, seizures.

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