Answered by Dr. Robert H. Shmerling

M.D. Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing · 30 years of experience · USA

de Quervain tendinopathy is a painful condition due to inflammation or damage to tendons that allow movement of the thumb away from the hand. It may develop due to overuse or injury but in most cases there is no obvious cause. The condition is diagnosed based on the nature and location of the symptoms combined with the findings of a physical examination performed by a healthcare provider. There is typically pain when pressure is applied over the end of the radius (the bone in the lower part of the arm near the thumb). In addition, there is usually a positive Finkelstein test: pain is reproduced when the thumb is folded inside the other 4 fingers and the wrist is moved toward the 5th finger. X-rays and ultrasound imaging can help exclude other causes of pain but are not necessary to diagnose de Quervain tendinopathy.

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