

Get Rid of Gnats Once and for All with These Hacks

Is it just us, or are they everywhere right now? If you've ever spilled sugary juice on the counter and didn't wipe it up right away, overwatered plants inside or outside, or waited a day too long to take out the trash, you know this feeling. One simple household mistake, and all of sudden your house seems to be covered up in bugs—tiny gnats, to be exact. Here are eight ways to help you get rid of gnats once and for all. Before killing gnats, the first thing to do is make sure that they are, in fact, gnats. There are many different types of itty-bitty flying insects, and each requires a slightly different elimination tactic. You may actually find yourself needing to know how to get rid of fruit flies or how to get rid of drain flies instead. If you know what to look for, it's easy to distinguish between bugs. Fungus gnats look black and feature long legs while fruit flies are typically brown and rounder in shape. Drain flies have a fuzzier appearance and larger wings, and as the name suggests, they hang out around sink drains. Once you’ve correctly identified what bug is, well, bugging you, you can start to take the necessary steps toward getting rid of gnats, flies, and any other bugs once and for all with vinegar solutions, store-bought remedies, and even rotten fruit (really!). For longer-term success, invest in one of the best bug zappers on the market.

These Leg Elevation Pillows Help Relieve Swelling, Back Pain, and Varicose Veins

These expert-recommended, affordable picks work wonders for pain relief.

Professional Faqs: Are Cranberry Pills As Effective As Cranberry Juice For Preventing Urinary Tract Infections?

Expert opinion from Lena Cazes Master of Science in Nutrition · 32 years of experience · Canada Pure cranberry juice, cranberry extract, or cranberry supplements may help prevent repeated UTIs in women, but the benefit is small. It helps about as much as taking antibiotics to prevent another UTI. Using cranberry products to prevent UTIs may be expe...

UN calls dengue fever in Americas an 'emergency situation'

Jarbas Barbosa, head of the Pan American Health Organization, confirmed more than 5.2 million cases of dengue fever across the Americas this year, nearly 50 percent up from last month.

Parsnip Nutrition: Expert Tips from Nutrition Professionals

This article explores the health benefits of parsnip, a root vegetable. It provides insights from nutrition and dietetics experts on how parsnip can help with weight loss, improve immunity, and promote intestinal health. It also covers potential side effects and quantity recommendations. Finally, it provides links to further resources to help readers explore parsnip in more detail.

Professional Faqs: Is Cabbage Bad For You If You Have Crohn's Disease?

Expert opinion from Cassia D Muller Bechelor in Nutrition · 2 years of experience · Brazil Some vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and brussels sprouts, tend to cause gas. It's best to avoid eating them if gas is a problem for you, and cooking causes less gas to form, so if you're going to eat them, better cook. Expert opinion from...

Foods to avoid for glowing and breakout-free skin

The link between skin health and nutrition has long been studied by scientists and physicians. Our outermost organ has been reported to reflect our general inner-health status, which leads to the importance of nutrition. Skin conditions like acne, dryness, eczema, psoriasis, and oily skin could be a sign of an overburdened liver. Is there a way to control that? While experts have varying opinions on numerous issues regarding the subject, there is some consensus in certain areas. Browse the gallery and check what you should and shouldn't be eating. Your skin will thank you later.

Ask A Nutrition Professional: I Have Anaphylactic Reactions To Wheat And Corn. What Can I Do To Make Sure I'm Getting Enough Vitamins?

Expert opinion from Madison Deakin Bachelor's degree, Nutrition and Food science · 3 years of experience · Australia It's always best to work with a dietitian one on one for individualized advice. But eating a variety of vegetables and fruit is a great way to make sure you are consuming enough vitamins and minerals. Wheat and corn are often in proc...

Hypochondria: are you afraid of getting sick?

It's safe to say that no one likes to be sick, so it's natural for us to have a healthy degree of fear and anxiety about it. Some people, however, do suffer from a mental health disorder that exacerbates this fear and manifests in unhealthy ways. We're talking about illness anxiety disorder (IAD), also known as hypochondriasis or hypochondria. Indeed, having an irrational fear of being, or becoming, ill can really have a negative impact on one's life. In this gallery, we explain what illness anxiety disorder really is, as well as its symptoms, risk factors, and possible treatments. Click on to learn all about IAD.

The Stress Cycle and how to complete it

We all experience stress. Modern life is stressful, and there's no way around that. We're constantly told to cut negativity out of our lives and practice 'self-care,' but some stress doesn't go away by reading Deepak Chopra and drinking a green smoothie. The only way to truly deal with stress is to understand the chemical cycle that begins when you experience anxiety and figure out how to complete it. Click through the following gallery to discover the truth about stress.

14 Best Sunscreens, Tested by Scientists

The #1 SPFs that outshone the rest for all skin types, from oily to sensitive and beyond.

Can Garlic Help With The Prostate? A Review By Nutrition Professionals

Expert opinion from Mantwa Radebe Master of Science (MSc) In Nutrition · 12 years of experience · South Africa Prostate cancer is one of the most male malignancies in the world, and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common cause of lower urinary tract symptoms in elderly men. Garlic (Allium sativum) has been known to have anti-inflammatory, a...

Acorn Squash: Nutrition Professionals Weigh In on the Right Amount.

This article provides expert opinions on the quantity of acorn squash to be consumed for optimal health benefits. Three health experts weigh in on the nutritional facts, health benefits, and tips on how to incorporate acorn squash into a healthy diet. A cup of sliced raw portions of acorn squash is recommended as a serving, as it is relatively higher in starch than most other vegetables. Additionally, 30g of acorn squash is recommended daily to...

What to Look for When Shopping for a Collagen Supplement

Not all collagen is created equal.

Harvard Health Publishing Q&a: End Stage Kidney Disease

What are the treatment and prevention options for end stage renal disease? Answered by Dr. Howard E. Lewine M.D. Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing · 40 years of experience · USA You can take steps to reduce your risk of developing end-stage renal disease: • If you have diabetes, control your blood sugar. • Closely monitor and aggressi...

What are high-histamine foods?

Think histamine is just about allergy? Think again. We take a look at what histamine is and how the food we eat may affect our histamine levels

How Carrot Boosts Your Health: Nutrition Professionals Share Their Insights

This article examines the potential benefits and side effects of consuming carrots. The benefits include improved eye health, digestion, cholesterol reduction, weight loss, and blood pressure regulation due to the presence of beta-carotene, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, antioxidants, and minerals such as potassium. However, excessive consumption of carrots may lead to vitamin A accumulation and toxicity, resulting in yellowish and/or...

Frontotemporal Dementia : What Is It & Treatments

Overview Several disorders that affect the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain that causes changes in personality and behaviour. Symptoms Symptoms include behavioral changes, speech and language problems and movement disorders. → Common treatment options → Questions to ask your doctor What are people curious about?Macular degenerationChronic ob...

How Good Is Caper For You? Find Out What The Nutrition Professionals Say, Get Serving Sizes, And Health Concerns

Professional Faqs: Can Sugar Free Coffee Creamer & Similar Products Induce Bloating, Especially If You've Never Used Them Before?

Expert opinion from Yuyu Yatagawa Bachelor's degree Nutrition · 1 years of experience · Japan They do not cause bloating. Coffee creamers are made from vegetable fats. It is safe to drink even for those who feel bloated when drinking milk. It is the lactose that cause bloating. There are diverse types of coffee creamers. If you are concerned about ...

Professional Faqs: Could Boswellia Supplement Cause Vaginal Thrush?

Expert opinion from Jodie Bennett BSC. Food Science and Nutrition · 6 years of experience · UK Boswellia is a plant that is native to India and Africa has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. Due to it's incredible anti-inflammatory properties, many have used the herb to help alleviate symptoms associated with arthritis and asthma. Some ...

Professor Tim Spector explains why you should never start fasting on the weekend

Professor Tim Spector, co-founder of ZOE Nutrition, has shared his top tips for intermittent fasting - including the days of the week you should avoid starting the diet

What Are The Different Ways To Treat Depression? What Harvard Health Publishing And More Doctors Think.

Answered by Dr. Nancy Anoruo M.D. Faculty - Harvard Medical School · 5 years of experience · USA The most helpful treatment is a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly prescribed first. They include fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, citalopram and escitalopram. Other effective ant...

Care Plan Your Doctor Would Usually Recommend For Hydronephrosis

Overview A condition of excess urine accumulation in kidney(s) that causes swelling of kidneys. This causes pain during urination, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms Symptoms include pain while urinating, nausea, and vomiting. → Common treatment options → Questions to ask your doctor What are people curious about?Low-density lipoproteinWhat drugs are us...

Don't call them 'sanitary' products, says world-renowned gynaecologist

Dr Jen Gunter said that while most personal items - such as toothpaste and toilet roll - are labelled based on their function, society continues to use 'euphemistic language' for period products.

Bird flu is found in MILK for first time in 'very high concentrations'

Bird flu has been detected in 'very high concentrations' in raw milk, the World Health Organization announced Friday. However, the pasteurized milk supply remains safe.

Professional Faqs: What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Dehydration In High Temperature?

ration is a serious health issue that can occur in hot weather. This article discusses the signs and symptoms of dehydration, such as increased thirst, dry mouth, dark urine, infrequent urination, fatigue, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, headache, sunken eyes, and muscle cramps. It also provides advice on how to prevent dehydration, such as staying hydrated by drinking water regularly and being attentive to the body's signals. This article examines...

GPs dishing out sick notes to patients they haven't even seen

GPs are routinely writing sick notes for patients they have not seen. Doctors admit '95 per cent' of requests are waved through without assessing the patient first and are 'rarely ever' denied.

Dental implants leave woman with bruising 'like I had a Rorschach blot test on my face'

Texas mum Jessica Macko told her social media followers 'I look like a monster, I feel like a monster. I'm just having a real hard time.'

10 Best Workout Shoes For Women Of 2024, Tested By Fitness Experts

Training experts swear by these.

Daily Pineapple Eating: Constipation Risk or Relief? Nutrition Pros Weigh In

This article examines the potential health benefits of consuming pineapple. Three experts provide their opinions on the role of pineapple in digestion and constipation. They discuss the fiber and water content of pineapple, as well as the digestive aid of bromelain. The article also provides links to other resources for further information on nutrition and diet. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the potential health benefits of...

Weight Loss Secrets from Nutrition Professionals: The Benefits of Vinegar

This article discusses the potential benefits of vinegar for weight loss. Experts discuss how vinegar is rich in pectin, acetic acid, and quercetin, which can reduce the absorption of carbohydrates, prolong satiety, and reduce fat production. Apple cider vinegar is also discussed, as it is low in calories and helps to control blood glucose and insulin levels. Lastly, recent studies are discussed that suggest vinegar can reduce the glycemic index...

Professional Faqs: How Does Anaphylaxis Affect Quality Of Life?

Expert opinion from Piyush Puri MBBS · 1 years of experience · India Anaphylaxis is a serious medical condition which should be treated on emergency basis. It can severely affect the quality of life. It is a type of allergic reaction which you can get from the pollen on the flowers, hay, or protein allergy from the peanuts, etc. People are usually ...

Add These 20 Foods to Your Diet For Their Health Benefits

With a plethora of dietary advice available, it can be challenging to determine what’s genuinely beneficial for your health. If you’re on a journey to better health, we’ve rounded up the top 20 foods renowned for their impressive nutritional facts and health benefits.

Ask A Doctor: How Often Do Kidney Stones Recur?

Expert opinion from Marcelle Freire Doctor of Medicine · 3 years of experience · Brazil Nephrolithiasis (a medical condition also popularly known as kidney stones) can occur by multiple mechanisms, so the component of the stones is not necessarily the same. The recurrence rate of this condition is variable, but high in general, it ranges from 30-50...

Voices: I’m a comedian – here’s how I detoxified my masculinity (and you can too)

I’m a comedian – here’s how I detoxified my masculinity (and you can too) - COMMENT: Just because you lift weights and take care of your body doesn’t automatically make you a toxic male, writes comedian Robin Morgan. Just look at Joe Wicks and Bukayo Saka...

How to boost testosterone naturally

Ask A Nutrition Professional: How Much Pomegranate Juice Is Good To Drink A Day?

Expert opinion from Deidre Huysamen Dietician - Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services · 7 years of experience · South Africa There is no specific amount of pomegranate juice that is good to drink in the day. Fruit juice however, contains no fiber as this has been removed during the processing process. Therefore, fruit juice can result in excess...

Ask A Doctor: What Is Best To Take For Lower Back Pain?

Expert opinion from Ilya Aleksandrovskiy M.D., MBA · 5 years of experience · USA Pain remedies sold over-the-counter (OTC). Back pain can be relieved by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and others) or naproxen sodium (Aleve). Expert opinion from Mohan P. Abraham M.D., FAAFP (Family Physician) ·...

Professional Faqs: What Are The Best Preventive Measures To Avoid Waterborne Diseases Like Cholera, Typhoid, And Hepatitis A During Rainy Seasons?

a> and other supplements. This article examines the impact of rain on health and provides expert opinions from two medical professionals on how to prevent waterborne diseases during the rainy season. Dr. Himabindu Sreenivasulu and Dr. Anuvitha Kamath provide advice on how to ensure clean drinking water, prioritize handwashing, cook food thoroughly, exercise caution with street food, stay away from stagnant water, consider vaccinations, and...

XL bully victim’s injuries were ‘worst doctor had ever seen’

A father of five killed by an XL bully dog had the worst injuries a trauma doctor had ever seen, an inquest heard. Jonathan Hogg, 37, a floor layer, was looking after a friend’s two dogs when a male dog called Poseidon attacked him after he entered its pen. He ended up lying face down with the dog on top of him, biting his scalp and the back of his...

Doctors are prescribing Ozempic for fertility as women in their 40s

Doctors have begun doling out Ozempic to women struggling to get pregnant, creating a baby boom. Doctors do not have conclusive evidence yet that it is a viable treatment for infertility.

Professional Faqs: Is Avocado Toast Healthy?

Expert opinion from Cate F Keen Bachelor of Health Science (Food & Nutrition) · 2 years of experience · Australia Yes, avocado toast can be healthy. To maximise the most nutrient benefits, it is best to have a wholegrain or wholemeal bread that contains more fibre and nutrients than a white bread. Try for 2 pieces of toast, 1/2 to 1 avocado mashed ...

Uncovering the Truth About Valerian Root: A Nutrition Professional's Perspective

This abstract provides an overview of the opinions of three experts on the use of Valerian root for anxiety and sleep disorders. It discusses the recommended dosage, potential side effects, and whether it is addictive. It also provides a disclaimer regarding the advice given and suggests that individuals should seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns.

Ask A Doctor: How Does Conjunctivitis Start?

Expert opinion from Howard E. Lewine M.D. Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing · 40 years of experience · USA Conjunctivitis, also called pinkeye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the transparent membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the whites of the eyes. Conjunctivitis can be triggered by allergies, by contact with irritati...

Harvard Health Publishing Answers: How Can I Stop Calf Muscle Cramps At Night?

Answered by Dr. Howard E. Lewine M.D. Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing · 40 years of experience · USA To stop a foot or leg cramp once it happens, stand up and slowly lean forward. If you don't want to get out of bed, sit up and reach forward so you can grab your toes, then slowly bend your foot up toward your head. Hold for about 20...

Doctors Answer Common Questions About Gingivitis.

This article examines the symptoms and possible causes of swollen gums behind the bottom teeth. Two dental experts provide their insights on the symptoms, which include swollen or inflamed gums, dark red gums, gums that bleed readily, bad breath, receding gums, painful gums, soreness, and irritation. Possible causes of swollen gums behind the bottom teeth are discussed, such as gum inflammation, infection, and poor oral hygiene. This article...

What Is An Effective Treatment Or Physical Therapy For Posterior Tibial Dysfunction?: Harvard Health Publishing Weighs In.

Answered by Dr. Robert H. Shmerling M.D. Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing · 30 years of experience · USA Treatment options for posterior tibial dysfunction include: • Rest, avoiding activities that worsen symptoms, and avoiding high impact activities; in some cases, a walking boot or cast may be recommended to rest the posterior tib...

Everything you need to know about bouldering

Are you searching for a new physical activity that tests your body and your mind? Then consider the thrilling sport of bouldering! Bouldering is a form of rock climbing that focuses on short, challenging routes known as "problems." Unlike traditional climbing, bouldering does not require ropes or harnesses, making it an easier and cheaper activity to pick up. People of any age and fitness level can enjoy this sport, and it’s a fun and fulfilling way to connect with yourself, other people, and nature. Curious? Flick through this gallery to discover all you need to know about bouldering!

Professional Faqs: How Can I Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels?

Expert opinion from Cate F Keen Bachelor of Health Science (Food & Nutrition) · 2 years of experience · Australia A great way to stabilise your blood sugar levels over the day is to consume meals that contain a combination of protein, fibre and healthy fats. A blend of good macronutrients will allow your body to slowly break down your nutrients and...